Personal Injury Blog

Why do Vehicle Ejections Happen?

The most serious auto accident injuries are usually caused when the victim is ejected from a vehicle. It is important for drivers and passengers to understand the causes of vehicle ejections so they can reduce the risk of serious injury in the event of a car accident. Below are some of the most common reasons why car accident victims are ejected from vehicles during an accident.

Not Wearing a Seatbelt

A seatbelt provides many critical safety functions. The restraint it provides can reduce the force of impact on your body during a collision, which in turn reduces the severity of injuries that are sustained. Restraint can also prevent you from being ejected from the vehicle during a crash. Ejection also increases the severity of injuries you sustain in a car accident, so being restrained reduces your risk of severe injury in this way, as well.

A study reported in The Scientific World Journal reported that victims who were ejected from a vehicle were five times more likely to die in a car accident than those who were not ejected from the vehicle in the collision. The ejected accident victims who did survive had more serious injury ratings and higher rates of admission to the ICU than victims who hadn’t been ejected.


Speeding increases the force that is generated in a collision between two vehicles (or a vehicle a stationary object). This has several dangerous consequences: first, it can increase the severity of injuries that are sustained, as there is more force to cause injury. Second, it can increase the risk that an occupant will be thrown from the vehicle. The stronger the force of a collision, the more likely it is that a victim’s body could break glass or pass through other material in order to be thrown from the vehicle.


A study reported in the Annals of Health Sciences and Medical Research identified several key risk factors for rolling over in an auto accident. These include distracted driving, speeding, and drinking. Vehicles with high tipping points (such as sport-utility vehicles) also have an increased risk of rolling over. Drivers must be mindful of their own driving behaviors in order to mitigate the risks of causing a rollover accident – particularly when driving an SUV.

Once a victim has been thrown from the vehicle, he or she is no longer protected by critical safety equipment within the vehicle. This includes airbags and seat belts, as well as the steel frame of the vehicle itself. These safety features dramatically increase the chances of surviving an accident. That is why it is so important for drivers to reduce the risk of vehicle ejection as much as possible.

The Right Injury Lawyer for New Jersey Auto Accident Injury Victims

Attorney Scott G. Leonard has helped protect the rights of New Jersey auto accident victims for over twenty three  years. Our law firm will always fight for the maximum compensation that each client deserves.  Call (973) 984-1414 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation with an experienced New Jersey personal injury lawyer.